Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Write Age

I have only one book review this week because it is special.

Herb Baron made a promise to his dying wife that he would be alright after she was gone. Lorraine, his wife, had always encouraged him to talk about and write down his war experiences, and he finally did - at age 87.

La Dolce Vita  by Herb Baron      e-book and print

     The book has been dubbed "A 70,000 word tribute to Lorraine". The author says he didn't write it because he wanted to, but because he had to. It may never be mistaken for great literature, but there is no denying the great love Herb has for his wife. He never misses an opportunity to speak of her selfless devotion and loving support of him as well.
     With disturbing recall, he relates his WWII experience from age 17 on. Even if you find yourself skipping and skimming later sections, don't miss this one. In subsequent years, suffering from PTSD, Herb has business failures, but continues to describe Lorraine in glowing terms. The book becomes a little wordy and repetitive in the sections after his wife passes, but keep in mind this is a labor of love that was difficult for a grieving man to write.
     Keeping his promise, I'm sure he has made Lorraine very happy.

1 comment:

  1. This does sound like a special tribute to his wife. Thanks for sharing.
